Тест на уязвимости

Насилуем наш комп на тему всяких дыр... Долго насилуем... =)

Проверить подозрительный файл

Комплексная проверка 18-ю антивирусниками (AntiVir, AVG, Avira, BitDefender, ClamAV, DrWeb, eTrust-Iris, eTrust-Vet, Fortinet, Ikarus, Kaspersky, McAfee, NOD32v2, Norman, Panda, Sybari, Symantec, VBA32)
Проверить Касперским
Проверить Dr.Web
Проверить Avast
Проверить с помощью Ikarus
С помощью ClamAV

Проверить компьютер на вирусы (OnLine)


Проверка на шпионские модули (Spy-ware, Ad-aware)

Проверка SpySweeper
Adware Remover

Проверить Браузер

Browser Security
1. Зайдите на страницу, убедитесь что тип (версия браузера и ОС определены) / Browser name, Version, Platform /
2. Выберите тип теста (Only test for bugs specific to my type of browser - на типичные уязвимости присущие Вашему браузеру) (Run all available tests - все тесты)
3. Нажмите "Start the test". При исполнении теста не следует разрешать включать плеера и скачивать файлы, если найдуться дырки - будет описание!

Без коментариев :) Тестим ВСЕ

Browser Security Tests
проверить на доступность javascript, Cookies, ActiveX

About BrowserSpy
What's all this about...?

Basic Information
Browser version, name, etc...

Accept Information
What kind of documents, encodings, languages, charsets, etc does your browser support...

Acrobat Information
Is Adobe Acrobat installed and what version is supported...

ActiveX Information
Is ActiveX / GeckoActiveX enabled or disabled...

AFC Information
What version of Application Foundation Classes (AFC) is installed...?
Internet Explorer Only!

Bandwidth Information
How fast is your Internet connection...

C Drive Information
Can your C Drive be shown...?
Internet Explorer Only!

CD ROM Information
Number of CD ROM Drives and drive letter...
Internet Explorer Only!

Certificate Information
What certificates do you have installed...?

Misc Certificate Information
Do you have the Root Verisign certificate installed...?

CSP Information
What Cryptographic Service Providers are installed...?

ClearType Information
Is ClearType installed...?
Windows XP and Internet Explorer Only!

Does your browser support system defined colors...?

Component Information
Which components are installed...?
Internet Explorer 5+ Only!

Cookie Information
Does your browser support cookies...?

CSS Information
Does your browser reveal what sites you have been visiting...?

Does your browser support system defined cursors...?

Date and Time Information
Local time and date format...

Dell Information
Is Dell System Profiler installer...?
Internet Explorer Only!

DirectX Information
What version of DirectX are you running...
Internet Explorer Only!

Document Information
Info on the current document...

Flash Information
Is Macromedia Flash installed and what versions is supported...

Font Information
What fonts are installed...
Internet Explorer Only!

Font Information Detailed
Font face information...
Internet Explorer Only!

Font Information via Java
What fonts are supported...
Mozilla, Netscape 6+, Opera and Gecko Only!

Font Information via Java Detailed
Font face information...
Mozilla, Netscape 6+, Opera and Gecko Only!

Block Format Tags Information
What Block Format Tags are available...
Internet Explorer Only!

Gecko Information
Product name and version of Mozilla...
Mozilla, Netscape 6+ and Gecko Only!

Google Toolbar Information
Is Google Toolbar installed and if so what version...
Internet Explorer Only!

Headers Information
What headers do your client send...

HTTP Information
Which protocol and version is your browser using...

Image Information
What image formats does your browser support..

IP Information
IP address, host name...

IP Info via Java
IP address, hostname via Java. Even works for PC's behind firewalls!...
Netscape 4 Only!

Java Information
Java information using Java...

JavaScript Information
JavaScript version and support...

JVM Information
Java Virtual Machine version...
Internet Explorer Only!

Java Web Start Information
Is Java Web Start installed...

Language Information
System, browser, user language...

Mail Information
Is your mail client open for spammers, spoofs, etc..

Email Address Verification
Verify the existance of an email address...

MathML Information
Does your browser support MathML...

MIME Type Information
What MIME (Multipart Internet Mail Extension) types are supported by the client...
Netscape, Mozilla, Konqueror, Gecko and Opera Only!

Network Information
Stuff that your browser might send to optimize the connection...

Object Information
Layers, images, forms, links, frames, anchors, etc support...

Opera Browser
Are you using the Opera browser and is so what version...

Parasites, spyware, adware check
Check your pc for unsolicited commercial software...
Internet Explorer only!

Password support - HTTP Basic Authentication
Support for HTTP Basic Authentication...

Prefetch support
Does your browser support link prefetching...?

Plug-in Information
What plug-ins are installed...?
Netscape, Mozilla, Konqueror, Gecko and Opera Only!

Plug-in Information Detailed
Get even more information on our plug-ins...
Netscape, Mozilla, Konqueror, Gecko and Opera Only!

Plugs Information
What other plug-ins or helper components are installed...?

Profile Information
Profile Information...?
Internet Explorer Only!

Proxy Information
Do you use a proxy...?

Personal Security Manager Information
Info about the Personal Security Manager...
Netscape, Mozilla and Gecko Only!

QuickTime Player Information
Is QuickTime Player installed and what version...

RealPlayer Information
Is RealPlayer installed and what version is supported...

Resolution Information
Determine your browser's logical resolution (most
likely determined by your OS) and your display's physical resolution.
Internet Explorer, Mozilla and Opera only!

Screen Information
Screen size, width, etc...

Search Assistant Information
What version of Search Assistant is installed...?
Internet Explorer only!

Security Information
What encryption strength does my browser have...
Netscape, Mozilla and Gecko Only!

Show Objects
Show JavaScript objects with all properties and values...

SOAP Information
Is SOAP supported by your browser...?

Sound Card Information
Do you have a sound card installed...?
Internet Explorer Only!

StyleSheets Information
Support, number, etc...

Trace Route Information
The way to your machine...

Ultimate Object Sniffer Information
Copy of the The Ultimate JavaScript Client Sniffer from Netscape...

File Upload Information
Does your browser support file uploads? Find out here...

VBScript Information
VBScript version and support...
Internet Explorer Only!

Whois Information
Who owns your network...?

Window Information
Window size, width, etc...

Windows Media Player Information
Is Microsoft Windows Media Player installed and what version...

Web Server Information
What web server is running at your machine and at my machine...?

XML Information
Does your browser support XML requests...?


Дополнительные разделы: 

https://infratrest.ru устрои ство грунтоцементных сваи по технологии jet grouting. https://infratrest.ru устрои ство грунтоцементных сваи по технологии jet grouting.